Burning herbs and incense is one of the oldest rituals in the world. Folks everywhere use(d) herbs to celebrate, cleanse and create certain effects during seasonal rituals or their daily life. One of my favourite ways to shift the mood in the house is to burn herbs after I'm done with cleaning and decluttering. Depending on the mood and occasion I pick and choose a different herb bundle that I made. I'm by no means an expert and this isn't a scientific list of plants and their properties but here are some of my favourite herbs to burn and why I chose them.

Lavender: Very calming, relaxing and mostly used in the bedroom. Its soothing scent lulls you to sleep. Pairs well with Sage and Chamomille.

(Garden) Sage: Smells fresh and a little sweet. My favourite herb to burn during and after someone's been sick, after cleaning or when I feel creatively and emotionally stuck. I often pair it with rosemary, cedar and peppermint.

Yarrow: I use Yarrow after I've had visitors that made my home feel "off". It calms the space and enforces boundaries. I like to pair it with Mullein and Mugwort.

Make your own Bundle

We're making a purifying and refreshing herb bundle because most of those herbs can be found in the fresh culinary herb section of most grocery stores if you don't have your own garden or balcony with some herbs.

You need:

fresh garden sage (don't buy or use white sage) , fresh peppermint, fresh rosemary

cotton or any other non treated natural twine (no plastic)


Trim your flowers and herbs to size. Wrap a long piece of twine around the base of your herb bundle and continue wrapping it around until you reach the top of the bundle. Wrap it around as tightly as you can as the herbs will shrink once they dry. Once you reach the top of the herb bundle, tie the twine and trim the excess. Cut of any herbs that stick out of the bundle. Hang it up to dry in a dark and dry place. This might take 2-4 weeks. Follow the same method with any other herb combinations you like.

Welcoming Imbolc

Imbolc marks the turning point from mid-winter to pre-spring, its date landing halfway between the winter solstice and spring equinox. Early signs of Spring are beginning to emerge in the natural world. Soft green hues and bulbs stiring underneath the frozen soil. While most plants are still dormant, life is in the making, but barely visible to the eye: snowdrops, hazel catkins accompanied by the first shy buds appearing on trees. It feels like a good time to dust off winter’s cobwebs and start the preparations for spring, in the house, garden and within ourselves. While most people start their “spring clean” in March, it makes more sense to me to do that around Imbolc. Technically a winter clean if you will. Once Spring is in full swing, I tend to find myself spending most of my time outdoors and in the garden, neglecting any work in the house. For me this means putting away the last remnants of the holiday/ winter decor, giving the house a thorough cleaning, decluttering anything I don’t need, taking inventory of the pantry and seed collection and stocking that up if necessary and planning this year’s garden. As a last step after physically cleaning everything, I like to burn some herbs or light a herb bundle to cleanse the house.

Spells for Spring


Imagine a calm, peaceful place where you can have a moment just for yourself. This is your safe place. Maybe it's a deep, dark forest, a calm sea, on top of a mountain or nestled into a vibrant summer meadow.

Fire & Ritual

Light a candle and your herb bundle. Put out the herbs once they have a nice glow to them and place the bundle on a fire resistant plate or in a bowl. Let the smoke fill the air as you speak or think of your intentions quietly. You may close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. You can meditate on it in a specific place of your home or walk around the entire house and let the smoke circulate in every corner and room while you speak your wishes, it doesn't have to be out loud. Do you wish to rid your home of stagnant energy after a fight or exhausting day? Or of a lingering cold you can't seem to shake? Do you need clarity and brightness to fill your space? Shake off winter’s darkness and welcoming in the returning light? Imagine yourself in your calm, peaceful place, summoning the feeling that you wish your space to adapt. Let the scent of the herbs guide you to that place.

New Energy

Once you feel like you have spent enough time in your mental safe place, open your eyes and let the smoke guide you back into the here and now. Stick your herb bundle into a bowl of sand to make sure it's not burning anymore. Open all the doors and windows in your home to welcome in fresh air and new energy.


a guide to ethical foraging


My month in books.